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My Story




While I can list a bunch of schooling, certification, and trainings, my life experience and my own healing journey have been my greatest teacher.


I've experienced trauma, I've had chronic stress, and I've over-given, over-worked, and did so much at the expense of my mind, body, and spirit. 

And life kept kicking me down, literally, until I got it.


I finally got in right relationship with myself and am here to guide you in doing the same.

I fuse ancestral healing and eft/tapping to help you stop doing the most and come back home to yourself.


To learn more about how we can work together, click here. 




Seven years ago, I found myself giving and giving, and the more I gave, the more I got rewarded. And the more I got rewarded, the more I felt disconnected from body.


I was at a job that I loved and yet I felt so guilty for no longer wanting to be there. 


I just returned from my parental leave, in love with my second born child and growing family. And I cried every single day before going to work.


My stomach would turn in knots on Sunday nights dreading Mondays. My family did not understand what I was going through. “I had it all” in their eyes and yet I was a mala agradecida and should "count my blessings."


No longer able to deal with the burnout, I decided to leave my job and take some time off. Right as I was stepping down, I received an intuitive hit to bring my father back from DR. Soon after arriving, he had a heart attack and I became his death doula for the last month he had on this earthly plane. 


What followed, was a series of more life changing events compounding my burnout and grief.  I continued to give and care for others, while pushing aside all my emotions. 


My family kept praising me for my strength and resilience. And yet inside I was numb. 

Then my body got loud and started speaking to me - illness, fatigue, rashes, digestive issues.


Throughout all of this I was in therapy and went to countless doctors and holistic wellness folks.  But these and other attempts at self care, including traveling with my cousins and friends a few times a year, were futile. 


We tend to believe that using our PTO and taking a vacation each year will be enough to sustain us and be restorative. That we just have to continually push through this one thing to then take a break. That we have to continually sacrifice ourselves for our kids, our families, our communities, our movements. 


Have you ever found yourself doing the important and much needed work in the world, yet miserable - dreading to go to work each day, counting down the days to the weekend or your next vacation?


Have you gone to workshops, therapy, read all kinds of books, but still feel like something's missing, or like you don't reach for the tools or integrate what you've learned?


Do you find yourself in a cycle of overdoing, overgiving and simply put, doing the most? Your body may be even speaking to you with headaches, panic attacks, illness, rashes, digestive issues and you’re on such autopilot you’re not seeing it’s communicating with you.


Is this you? Because it sure as hell was me.

I finally decided to hire a life coach to help me discover what next steps I should take because I wanted to feel that joy and excitement I once felt about what I did.


In our first session, I started crying hysterically and that's when she said,

"Have you heard of eft/tapping?" 

And that moment is the moment that changed my life. 


I tapped and for the first time in years I started to feel again. I released so much stored energy and stuck emotions that I once again felt connected to my feelings. I was no longer numb. I became quite obsessed with tapping - I kid you not, I looked forward to coming home and tapping. This then led me to become trained and eventually certified as a practitioner.


Tapping has connected me back to myself and has allowed me to be in a deep process of unlearning and healing of my patterns and beliefs, especially the generational ones that kept me in a cycle of overdoing, over-functioning and over-working.


Tapping became the portal for me to connect to my ancestors and fill the spiritual void I was feeling. This led me to reclaiming my gifts and gain more abilities to deepen my intuition and ancestral connection.

And that’s why I feel called to guide you to hold space for yourself and also hold space for you to unlearn patterns of doing too much at the expense of your spirit, your mind, and your body. 


I’m not here to tell you that I am healed, because I’m not. Healing is not a final destination and as you and I both know, life is constantly throwing us curveballs. I still experience many challenges.  Hello car accident and persistent concussion symptoms. 


There will always be some shit with your family, at work, in the world.


But I now have the tools to support me, to allow me to connect with myself, and to allow the shit that needs to surface to surface and be released.

To unlearn and heal while experiencing deeper self compassion, grace and forgiveness. 


What if you had the tools so that no matter what life threw your way, you could tend to your own nervous system right then and there, and bring yourself back home?


What if being in right relationship with yourself, your family, and work, didn't mean you stopped giving or caring? 


Wouldn't it be nice to feel resourced, connected, and full within yourself?

To receive that which you give others.


You are worthy of the care, the love, and the space you give and hold for others. 


And you don't have to do it alone. 


Ready to get in right relationship with yourself and others? Let's talk.


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